Careers Adviser Appointment Request

Careers advisers offer guidance and advice on choosing a career path related to your field of study or explore changing your career direction. We can help with career planning, goal setting, developing options, exploring personality, work preferences and career transition issues.

Appointment Request

Please complete this form if you have been unable to find an available appointment with a Careers Adviser. This will ensure we can book you in for the next available consult or contact you to arrange a mutual time.

Please check for any available appointments HERE, before submitting your request. 

Student ID (Current Students only)
If you have chosen a Face to Face (On Campus) appointment, please select which campus you would like to attend.
Our career adviser appointments typically run Monday through Friday, from 9.30am until 4.30pm. Appointments vary from 15 - 45 minutes, depending on the type of consult. Please provide the days and times you are generally available and we will aim to tentatively book you in when an appointment becomes available. Please list all days and times you are available.
Please provide a brief description of what you would like to discuss.
Please upload any documents you feel may be needed (Optional)